Fourth year project at ACAD where we were challenged to develop a brand identity and packaging for a product. My chosen product were men's DE Razors. The photography within the booklet is of, and owned by, the TV series: Vikings. I am simply using the photo for educational purposes as this is not a true product for sale.

“Never walk away from home ahead of your axe and sword.
You can’t feel a battle in your bones or foresee a fight.”
– The Havama; Book of Viking Wisdom
Leaving home was a dangerous task, so a Vikings safety lied in his trusted blade. He must know his blade has the strength to cut through his enemies yet retain the flexibility to not shatter in battle. This level of trust was sealed in the mark of Ulfberht, a legendary weapon smith who crafted a quality of steel unmatched throughout the middle ages. With his mark on your blade, your fate would be sealed in glory.
Shaving has become nothing but an odious chore that all men must face. Yet post-shave, when we expect to feel confidant and assured, we are left with a neck full of battle scars. Our razor is supposed to be our sidearm, preparing us for what lies ahead. Instead, it betrays us. We used to have a sidearm comparable to Ulfberht, a weapon that proved worthy for battle, until the era of cartridges began. A Viking held his trust in a single blade, not four, and neither should you.
Welcome to the clan, brother.